We’re happy to announce the release of napari 0.2.6! napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It’s designed for browsing, annotating, and analyzing large multi-dimensional images. It’s built on top of Qt (for the GUI), vispy (for performant GPU-based rendering), and the scientific Python stack (numpy, scipy).

For more information, examples, and documentation, please visit our website: https://github.com/napari/napari

New Features

  • label axes with strings (#644)

  • interactive scripting with viewer.update(#650)

  • add dock widget support (#695)

  • dockable console (#714)


  • improve release guide (#668)

  • add logo to repo (#674)

  • improve labels painting speed (#684)

  • add example showing mouse drag callbacks (#690)

  • add main window option to screenshots (#722)

Bug Fixes

  • allow all animation thread tests to be +/- 1 frame (#670)

  • document qt not qt5 (#677)

  • fix init of _position (#680)

  • fix 3d display surface (#682)

  • set arcballCamera fov default (#683)

  • cleaning for interactive scripting (#688)

  • change no. of pixels calculation from 32 to 64-bit (#692)

  • support multichannel dask array (#701)

  • Don’t calc_data_range on uint8 data (#705)

  • allows Path in io.magic_imread (#709)

  • handles empty chosen files and folder (#715)

  • relax play_api (#717)

  • raise main window when showing (#721)

  • fix vertical scrollbars (#728)

  • revert “change no. of pixels calculation from 32 to 64-bit” (#738)

  • remove vispy backport with 0.6.3, fix segfault in #576 (#739)

  • improve pyramid guessing (#740)

7 authors added to this release (alphabetical)

5 reviewers added to this release (alphabetical)